About appointments

How much notice do I need to give?

Why do you never seem to answer your phone?

Why don’t you answer private numbers?

What if I’m running early for an appointment?

What if I’m running late for an appointment?

If I need to cancel or reschedule an appointment will you charge a cancellation fee?

About payment

Do you accept credit cards and EFTPOS?

Do you offer discounts for students, seniors or deals for booking multiple services?

About waxing

Why wax?

How does waxing work?

What type of guys are waxing?

I usually shave or clip, how long does the hair need to be before it can be waxed?

Does it hurt?

How long will I be hair-free?

Do I need to do anything before my waxing appointment?

Do I need to do anything after I’ve been waxed?

Will I get pimples or a rash after waxing?

What's the difference between a natural, shaped and nude Brazilian?

Will waxing around my genitals increase sexual pleasure?

What happens if I get an erection?

I have hair on the shaft of my penis. Is this normal?

Do I need to get into awkward positions to be waxed?

Do you recycle your wax?

Can I combine a massage with waxing?

Can I spray tan after waxing?

Can I go to the solarium or sun bathing after waxing?

Is there any risk of catching infectious diseases such as HIV or Hepatitis?

About laser hair removal

How does laser hair removal work?

Is laser suitable for everyone?

Is laser hair removal permanent?

I ususally wax, how long do I need to wait before laser?

Does laser hurt?

How many laser sessions do I need to have?

Can you laser your balls? Is it safe?

My friend had laser and says it didn’t work, or it hurt so much he didn't go back.

Can you laser for hair over tattoos?

Can I spray tan or use self-tanning lotions before laser hair removal?

What do I need to do before a laser appointment?

What do I need to do after a laser appointment?

What type of laser do you use?

About you

What are your qualifications?

How old are you and what do you look like?

Will you be discrete and respect my privacy?


How much notice do I need to give?

This varies dramatically from one day to the next. As a rough guide 24 hours is usually required to secure an appointment most days.

At my busiest, I can be fully booked for a week or more, so if you're planning on waxing for an event or holiday, it's strongly recommended to book with as much notice as possible.


Why do you never seem to answer your phone?

I'm a sole operator andI don’t answer the phone while I'm with clients (which is most of the time). It’s not that I can’t multi-task (although it’s true I am pretty hopeless at it) but I’m guessing most people would get a little annoyed if their half hour wax appointment took an hour because I spent half my time on the phone.

I tend also not to answer my phone outside regular business hours.

The best way to make a waxing appointment is to book online - you can instantly see what appointment times are available, and lock something in straight away!

If you need to contact me, it's best to send an SMS.


Why don’t you answer private numbers?

It's really quite simple... If you don't want me to know who you are, then I don't want to know who you are!

If you choose to have your caller ID turned off, you will need to leave a message with a contact phone number so I can call you back.

I DO NOT sell my client list to pesky telemarketers, nor do I use your number for marketing purposes of my own. The only time I would ever use your number is if I need to get in contact with you regarding your appointment time. And don’t worry; it would make very little business sense to be using your phone number to get in contact with your family, friends or work colleagues and out you as a closet bum waxer!


What if I’m running early for an appointment?

If you're running more than 10 minutes early, please phone or text message me. If I'm not busy with another client, we can get you started straight away and save you waiting.

If I don't answer or reply, it means I'm busy with someone else, and in the same way I'm sure you'd like your privacy respected, please be considerate of my other clients.


What if I’m running late for an appointment?

If you are running late please call or sms me as soon as you can. Depending on how late you will be and my other bookings we may need to reschedule. (See also “If I need to cancel or reschedule an appointment will you charge a cancellation fee?”)

I am a stickler for punctuality. I do everything within my power to ensure that I am on-time for you and will almost never keep you waiting. I would appreciate the same courtesy.

I consider turning up late for an appointment the height of rudeness and disrepect. And I can assure you, you don't want the person who is about to rip the hair from your body to be cranky!


If I need to cancel or reschedule an appointment will you charge a cancellation fee?

I understand life is full of unexpected little surprises and things don't always go to plan. Please give as much notice as you can and I will try to be as flexible as possible.

Depending on the circumstances I may impose the following cancellation fees:

  • Less than 3 hours notice - 100% of the booked service(s)
  • Between 24 & 3 hours notice - 50% of the booked service(s)

I don't do this just to be a pain in the proverbial. You must understand that by cancelling an appointment without giving me sufficient notice to fill the spot with somebody else, you are depriving me of income. Paying for missed appointments or last minute cancellations is not only standard industry practice, it's common courtesy.



Do you accept credit cards and EFTPOS?

Chatswood & Chippendale both have EFTPOS facilities and accept Visa & MasterCard excluding Diners and American Express. Unfortunately Tempe locatin is cash only at the moment.


Do you offer discounts for students, seniors or deals for booking multiple services?

No. My rates are already very competitive and I utilize the best quality products to perform treatments of the highest standard. In order to offer a discount I would need to compromise these standards and that is something I am not prepared to do. Not even my friends get "mates rates"!



Why wax?

Removing hair with wax has been around for thousands of years. It was technique developed in ancient Egypt and was widely practiced in ancient Greece & Rome, often distinguishing oneself to be of a higher class'.

Waxing looks and feels better, is more hygienic, may help decrease body odour, increases skin sensitivity and therefore sexual pleasure. As a client put it so succinctly, "If you make it more inviting, you'll get more invites!"

How does waxing work?

There are two major methods of waxing for hair removal. One is hard wax, also known as hot wax, or the non-strip method. The other major wax method is strip wax.

With strip wax, a paper or cloth strip is then applied over the wax and removed taking the wax with it as well as the hairs which have adhered to the wax. This method is used for larger areas of the body such as the back, chest, legs and arms.

Hot wax is applied quite thickly, allowed to set, and then removed without the aid of a strip much like a pliable piece of plastic. Hot wax is more suitable for sensitive areas of the body such as eyebrows, face, butt crack and genitals.

Some therapists do use strip wax for these sensitive areas, but this is usually done to cut corners and save on cost, and greatly increases the risk of bruising or tearing the skin.

Waxing epilates hair, which means it is removed from below the skin, often at the root. When the hair grows back it is a new hair that is often softer and has a tapered or blunt end (unlike shaving where the hair is cut at skin level and the same hair continues to grow at it’s original thickness and now with sharp edges which can irritate and cause that “prickly” feeling).

Many clients experience some reduction in hair growth after multiple wax services. When the hair is removed at the root or papilla, the new papilla must reestablish itself in the follicle. Not only does this take time, but continual waxing may cause the papilla to become weaker, therefore causing a reduction in hair growth as well as a reduction in the discomfort of future wax treatments.


What type of guys are waxing?

Athletes have long known the benefits of smooth, hair-free skin from increased performance to increased comfort & improving the appearance of muscle definition. These days everyday blokes of all ages, all walks of life and from every conceivable profession are waxing.


I usually shave or clip, how long does the hair need to be before it can be waxed?

The hair needs to be 3 to 4mm in length to adhere to the wax and be removed efficiently. This is usually between 10 to 14 days post shaving depending on how quickly your hair grows. The same applies if you are using depilatory creams.


Does it hurt?

Unfortunately waxing often gets a bad rap in movies, on TV and on YouTube. Even reality TV isn't real, and waxing is usually dramatised to make it funny.

The most common thing I hear from first time waxers is “That didn’t hurt anywhere near as much as I expected!”

Of course I would be lying to say that it's totally painless - your hair is being pulled out, you have to expect some discomfort. However most people find it manageable otherwise we wouldn't do it.

The discomfort is a short, sharp sting much like taking off a Band-Aid, and subsides within seconds of the wax being removed.

I’m always happy to tell my clients that I wax my own butt and balls. So not only do I know exactly what it feels like, I also know all the little tips and tricks to make it as easy and pain-free as possible.

Exactly how much it hurts depends entirely on your individual sensitivity and how coarse your hair is. Generally speaking, most guys find the chest and the back of the neck the most painful areas to wax.

The perineum and around the base of the shaft of the penis can also be more sensitive. The butt is one of the least sensitive areas and despite what you would think the scrotum is definitely not the worst. This is because the hair is not as coarse or dense as other areas of the body, and the skin on the scrotum is thinner so the follicles are not as deeply anchored into the body.

With repeated wax sessions the discomfort definitely reduces. This is because firstly you know what to expect and get used to the sensation and secondly because papilla or root of the hair weakens resulting in fewer and finer hairs which come out more easily.

If you are at all concerned take two ibuprofen (such as Nurofen) an hour before your waxing appointment. As well as taking a bit of the sting out of waxing it seems to relax the hair follicle resulting in a more efficient wax.


How long will I be hair-free?

This varies from person to person but generally speaking you will be completely hair free for 10 to 14 days. At this time the new hairs begin to appear, however they are usually so soft and fine they are barely noticeable for another week to two weeks. It will take between 6 to 8 weeks for the hair to fully regrow.

If you like the result, the bset time to wax again is in 4 to 6 week intervals as the hair is much finer and weaker. Therefore it hurts less, the waxing is more thorough and the skin recovers more quickly.

At 4 weeks you can expect to have about 4-5mm of hair growth and whilst it doesn't look like it needs to be waxed for another few weeks, this is the best time to do it - before it needs to be done.


Do I need to do anything before my waxing appointment?

Yes. Please be showered and clean before coming to your wax appointment (especially if you are having your butt waxed)!

There's no excuse for lack of hygiene and if it ain't clean, I probably will refuse to wax it.

Wash your bits please! Preferably with ith soap and water. If you're unable to shower, there are very good antibacterial wet wipes available from the supermarket or chemist.

Sweat is also the cardinal sin of waxing, transporting bacteria around the skin and into the open pores after waxing. Therefore it's advised to avoid getting sweaty on the way to your booking.


Do I need to do anything after I’ve been waxed?

Most definitely. Post-wax care is important to prevent break-outs, ingrown hairs and other reactions.

The first 24 hours after waxing

  1. Avoid heavy exercise (gym, running, aerobics etc). After waxing the pores of the skin remain open for 8 to 10 hours. Sweating during this time will transport bacteria into the open pores and will cause pimples. Avoid saunas, steam rooms and spas for the same reason.

  2. 2. Do not sun bathe or go to the solarium for 48 hours after waxing - recently waxed areas are prone to hyperpigmentation (permanent darkening of the skin) if exposed to the sun or solariums.

  3. Do not use exfoliating products (AHA’s, scrubs etc) or a loofa for at least 24 hours as this may further irritate the skin.

  4. It is recommended to avoid using a bar soap on the waxed area as it leaves a film on the skin that may cause ingrown hairs.

  5. Wash the waxed area with an anti-bacterial wash. I will recommend some products at the time of your appointment that you can buy from me or your local pharmacy.

  6. Apply a moisturising body lotion or oil after showering. This has a soothing effect and will help soften the skin and aid in the prevention of ingrown hairs. A basic, non-fragranced moisturiser is all that's needed and some key ingredients to look for that I've discovered to be excellent for post-wax care include vitamin E, tea-tree oil, chamomile, Emu oil, Lavender Oil & Aloe Vera. What works best for you is often very individual and can vary from one person to the next. Don't worry, I'll be happy to recommend something that is more suited to your skin type.

  7. Avoid tight clothing on the waxed area as this may irritate the skin and also cause ingrown hairs.

  8. Avoid putting on sweaty or dirty clothes straight after a wax as the bacteria present may cause pimples or folliculitis (infected hair foliicles).


Will I get pimples or a rash after waxing?

How people’s skin reacts to waxing varies dramatically from one person to the next.

Some people show almost no skin reaction at all, and other people react more noticeably. The skin reaction can also be different on different parts of the body.

For this reason, I strongly recommend never having your first wax appointment before a special event or function. Once you know what your individual reaction is, you can then best time your waxing appointments before any such special event (for most people this is 2 to 3 days).

The 3 most common reactions that people tend to get after waxing are:

  1. The reaction post-waxing that occurs almost immediately and lasts up to 24 to 36 hours. This can be as mild as a reddening of the skin (called erythema), but more often shows up as red spots or raised bumps (think of a just-plucked chicken). The red spots are blood spots which occur because the papilla (hair root) has some blood supply and with the hair removed, the blood gathers at the follicle. This absorbs back in into the dermis within a few hours. These reactions are normal on most people (in fact the red spots are a good sign that the hair has been pulled out by the root) and subside within the first 3 to 24 hours. Less common is larger itchy welts or Hives on the skin similar to mosquito bites that appear almost immediately after waxing. These occur to a histamine reaction and usually subside within a few hours and can be avoided for future wax treatments by taking an anti-histamine such as Telfast before having the waxing performed.

  2. The second reaction people may get is break out or pimples that occur on the second or third day after waxing. This is usually caused by bacteria entering the pores of the skin which remain open for about 8 to 10 hours after waxing. The most common culprit is sweat which is why it is important to avoid exercise, saunas or steam rooms for 24 hours after your wax. I highly recommend daily washing of the waxed area with an anti-bacterial wash such as Phisohex (avaiilable for purchase here) or Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Acne Wash to prevent break out from occurring.

  3. The third reaction some people get 2 - 3 weeks after waxing is ingrown hairs. Ingrown hairs occur when the hair grows under the top layers of the skin surface either in a straight line or curled up resembling a blackhead. The best way to avoid ingrown hairs is to exfoliate the skin daily with a loofa or exfoliating mitt, or if the problem is severe a product that contains AHA or salicylic acid. You should commence exfoliation on the second day after waxing (not on the first day as the skin will still be too sensitive and you may irritate it further) and do it daily as part of your normal shower routine for about 2-3 weeks.

Waxing at intervals of 4 to 6 weeks will usually result in less skin reaction because the hairs are much weaker and finer. If you think of pulling weeds as an analogy..... if the weed has just popped up out of the soil you can pull it out relatively easily with minimal disruption to the soil. Once established much greater force is required.

Regular waxing also reduces the skin reaction because the body becomes more accustomed to the process.


What is the difference between the natural, shaped and nude (or Hollywood) Brazilian wax?

A "natural" Brazilian wax is the removal of hair from the buttocks, around the anus, the perineum, the scrotum, as well as around the base and the shaft of the penis. It leaves the pubic hair abouve the penis as well as any hair you may have around the groin (the creases at the junction of the torso and legs.

A "shaped" Brazilian is all the areas as above with the addition of waxing the groin (or speedo line) and shaping the pubic hair above the penis. This can be a narrow strip, or a wider wedge.

A "nude" Brazilian or Hollywood includes the complete removal of all pubic hair. Basically it's everything underneath your underpants.

Exactly what is right for you is complete personal preference. There is no "normal"... When it comes to waxing for men there is no right or wrong. You can have as much or as little hair removed as you like.


Will waxing around my genitals increase sexual pleasure?

Waxing anywhere on the body increases the skin's sensitivity to touch. Guys who wax their back will experience this as soon as they put on their shirt because now that the hair is gone, they will feel the fabric against their skin. In the same way, waxing around the genitals increases that area's sensitivity to touch. The difference is quite noticeable and very pleasurable for you, and the absence of hair makes things cleaner and more pleasurable for your partner.


What happens if I get an erection during waxing around my genitals?

There is nothing to be embarrassed about. This is usually more of an automatic response rather than sexual arousal. Don’t stress. This is what I do as a job and I promise you, I’ve seen it all before.


I have hair on the shaft of my penis. Is this normal?

Yes. Most guys have hair growing up the shaft of the penis. As with all body hair, the amount, length & coarseness of the hair varies from one person to the next and is more noticeable on some men. Don't worry, it can easily be waxed.


Do I need to get into awkward positions to be waxed?

This depends. Bodies come in all different shapes and sizes, and you may be asked to get into a position to assist access to an area as well as ensure the skin is as taunt as possible.

If you want waxing around your genitals, please leave your modesty at the door. I need to be able to get into the area and see what I’m doing. However don’t stress about it. This is what I do for a job... It is just another day in the office for me.

The most common positions that might be a little compromising are on your all fours when waxing the butt and on your back with your knees pulled up toward your chest when waxing the perineum. This is not done to embarrass you, but to ensure the waxing is done as quickly and efficiently as possible. If the skin is not taunt the wax will be a lot more uncomfortable and you run the risk of bruising the skin.

If these positions are really uncomfortable due to knee, hip or lower back problems, please tell me. There are many other ways of getting to the area, these are just the most efficient positions.


Do you recycle your wax?

Are you crazy? Absolutely not! I have much better things to do with my time than sifting people’s pubic hair out of used wax!


Can I combine a massage with waxing?

Inflamed, irritated skin is a contra-indication for massage and as such I won't massage an area after it's just been waxed. This is because the skin is usually too sensitive and needs to settle down before a massage, particularly one of medium to firm pressure, can be performed. I’d also rather not run the risk of further irritating the skin or the risk or spreading bacteria to the waxed area which may cause pimples. If you’d like to combine a massage with a waxing treatment I can do the massage first, or massage afterwards but only massage areas that have not been waxed (for example a massage after a Brazilian is ok).


Can I spray tan after waxing?

No. The best time to spray tan is a day or two after your wax treatment.


Can I sun bake or go to the solarium or sun after waxing?

No, it is not recommended to sun bake or go to the solarium immediately after waxing especially while the skin is still red. This is because recently waxed areas are prone to hyperpigmentation (permanent darkening of the skin) if exposed to the sun or solariums. Solariums and sun should be avoided for 48 hours after a wax.


Is there any risk of catching infections diseases such as HIV or Hepatitis?

No. Most pathogens grow rapidly at temperatures between 4ºC and 60ºC, what Food Safety and Inspectors call the “danger zone”.

Most disease-causing bacteria are killed at temperatures above 60ºC. The temperature of wax is most effective and comfortable at around 60ºC - 75ºC, which means most disease-causing bacteria are killed in the wax pot.

The fully heated wax pot is too hot, making it hostile for bacterial growth. Bacteria also need moisture for growth and there is no moisture in depilatory wax.

Pasteurization, which occurs at 70ºC renders the Hepatitis B virus inactive, meaning there is little to no risk of spreading HBV in this manner, nor HIV, which is much less resilient than HBV. In fact, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) does not consider this situation to be enough of a risk to even warrant testing for disease transmission due to waxing services. (Source: Miladay’s Hair Removal Techniques by Helen R Bickmore 2004 Thomson Delimar Lerning).



How does laser hair removal work?

Laser is a concentrated single colour and wavelength of light that specifically isolates the melanin (the pigment) in hair. The laser penetrates the skin's surface to a fraction of a millimetre where it heats the hair follicle without disrupting or damaging the surrounding skin cells. The heat is absorbed into the hair root destroying the cells lining the hair bulb, bulge and vascular supply.


Is laser suitable for everyone?

Unfortunately laser is not effective treating grey, blond or very fair hair. This is because these hairs have no or very little melanin or pigment to attract the laser. There are also some contraindications, precautions and medications that may make laser hair removal not an option.


Is laser hair removal permanent?

Laser hair removal will generally achieve a permanent reduction of up to 80% of hair after 6 treatments. Unlike many women who get results that appear to be permanent, unfortunately for most men, due to our hormones, we can get some hair regrowth. Results vary not only from one person to the next, but also on different body parts. The advantage that laser hair removal offers many men is making our battle with unwanted hair far more manageable and having to deal with it at less frequent intervals.


I usually wax, how long do I need to wait before laser?

You need to wait between 6 to 8 weeks after waxing before you can laser that body part so that the hair follicle is present and the hair is in its growth phase.


Does Laser hurt?

No. On some places you'll hardly feel a thing, on others there can be a bit of a sting similar to being flicked with a rubber band. The laser is programmed to your specific hair and skin type and utilises both a cryogen dynamic cooling device and a Zimmer air cooler to rapidly cool and protect the epidermal skin layers. It's much less painful than waxing!


How many laser sessions do I need to have?

For most men 6 to 8 treatments are necessary to achieved the desired hair clearance, with some guys needing more or less depending on hair type, skin colour and previous methods of hair removal.


Can you laser your balls? Is it safe?

Ok, let me start by saying anyone who knows me, or who's read my story, knows that I am the biggest advocate for waxing your balls. I've built an entire business and reputation providing this service for other guys over the past 16 years.

My balls were the very first thing I lasered after being trained... and no, it doesn't hurt at all. I am now a total laser convert!

The obvious (and understandable) safety concerns with pointing a laser beam at “the boys” are cancer and sterility. There are 2 scientific reasons why it's totally safe in both regards...

1. Firstly and most significantly, laser light is non-ionising radiation. This means it does not have enough energy to remove an electron from (ionize) an atom or molecule. Other forms of non-ionising radiation that we are exposed to on a daily basis include heat, incandescent light and radio waves. Only exposure to ionising forms of radiation such as nuclear radiation, along with gamma rays and x-rays can cause damage the DNA (genes) in cells resulting in cell mutation, which in turn may lead to cancer, and/or death.

2. The specific wavelength of laser used only penetrates between 0.000755mm and 0.001064mm below the skin's surface, meaning that even if fired directly over the testicle does not go anywhere near it.

A third consideration, which is not exactly scientific, is the laser I use is manufactured in the USA and FDA approved (and TGA approved in Australia). Given how litigious the Americans are, if there was even the slightest shadow of a doubt as to it's safety, there would be court cases for days.


My friend had laser and says it didn’t work, or it hurt so much he didn't go back.

The word “laser” is a generic term that gets used to cover different technologies, different generations of technology and even some things such as IPL (intense pulse light) which technically aren't laser at all. Within the specific laser technology for hair removal there are different types of laser such as Ruby, Alexandrite, Diode & ND:Yag. Lasers also have different settings programmed by the therapist. So when someone tells you they've had “laser” you actually don't know exactly what's been used or on what settings. See below “What type of laser do you use?”


Can you laser for hair over tattoos?

Unfortunately not. A hair removal laser will burn or distort your tattoo, and it's a different type of laser used for tattoo removal, so no, it won't fade or remove your tattoo.


Can I spray tan or use self-tanning lotions before laser hair removal?

No, the skin must be free from all lotions and potions prior to laser treatment especially self-tanning products.


What do I need to do before a laser appointment?

The areas you want lasered need to be shaved the day prior. It's not ideal to shave on the day of, or right before the treatment as the skin can be sensitive or irritated. It needs to be a close and thorough shave with a razor. If you clipper, or do a patchy shave, the laser energy will target the hairs above the skin's surface and the energy will dissipate rather than travel to follicle, and essentially you're wasting your time and money.

No lotions, potions or self tanner should be present on the areas you want lasered including deodorant if you are doing your underarms.

No sun exposure on the areas treated for at least two weeks before treatment.


What do I do after a laser appointment?

A cool compress or cold gel packs or chilled aloe vera gel may be applied after treatment.

A moisturising SPF30-plus sunblock should be applied post procedure and maintained daily during the course of the treatment.

Do not bleach, pluck or wax 4 to 6 weeks before and after a laser treatment.

Avoid sun exposure on the treated areas for 2-4 weeks after laser and throughout the course of treatments.


How many laser sessions do I need to have?

For most men 6 to 8 treatments are necessary to achieved the desired hair clearance, with some guys needing more or less depending on hair type, skin colour and previous methods of hair removal.


What type of laser do you use?

I use the Candela Gentle Lase Pro. This is the most trusted and reputable brand of laser on the market, the “Rolls Royce” of lasers if you will, and is the laser of choice for dermatologists, plastic surgeons, doctors and medical aesthetics specialists worldwide. The Gentle Max Pro incorporates both Alexandrite 755 nanometer wavelength and ND:Yag 1064 nanometer wavelength lasers giving it the versatility to treat all skin types safely and effectively.

The Candela brand boasts over 30,000 leading physicians worldwide performing over 10 million treatments on patients annually. Candela backs up its 40+ years of combined experience in the medical aesthetic device market with scientifically proven results and over 700 clinical papers published.



What are your qualifications?

Cert IV Remedial Massage & Beauty Therapy; Candela Laser Certification, Certificate in Facial Acupressure; SCENAR Level 1; Cranio-Sacral Level 3; Reiki 1; NLP Practitioner Certification; Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS) member


How old are you and what do you look like?

This is totally irrelevant to the services I offer. If that's not subtle enough, I will spell it out... my services are NOT sexual or erotic in any way shape or form!


Will you be discrete and respect my privacy?

Absolutely and without question! As an ATMS member I am bound by a Code of Conduct that includes ethical principals, duty of care, professional conduct, practitioner / patient relationship, professional boundaries and confidentiality requirements. The ATMS code of conduct can downloaded at www.atms.com.au/membership/Membership_Code.asp